This website is designed for teachers, parents, tutors, and anyone else helping students learn Grade 1, 2, or 3 math. All the worksheets have been created by an Ontario certified teacher (OCT) with more than 15 years of experience in the Ontario classroom.
The Grade 1 site is under construction to make it look more polished, but the worksheets are available. The images that have "?" are just placeholders for where the worksheets will be placed. Thank you for your patience.
Worksheets based on the 2020 Ontario Math Curriculum

Each page is dedicated to an overall expectation with Getting Started posters to help with your lessons.
There is a Teacher Supports button in all the Specific Expectation boxes that links to the Ontario 2020 Math curriculum.

Coding is brand new to the Ontario curriculum. Check out the unplugged coding activities!
What do I get with my membership?
All Math worksheets and answer sheets are in pdf format. Make sure you can access the free worksheets before you pay for membership.
Membership is good for one year.
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